During transition:
When transitioning to a new diet, it's natural for some dogs to have slightly upset stomachs (or even vomit) as the bacteria in your dog's digestive tract adjusts to breaking down the new food. This is why the transition period is crucial.
If your dog is experiencing an upset stomach during the transition period, you can skip their next meal to give the bacteria in their digestive system a chance to adapt. If any vomiting or diarrhea persists, we recommend slowing down your dog’s transition to give their system more time to adjust. Another easy way to slow your dog's transition down on your own is to split your 50% transition meals in half. For example, mix 25% Nom Nom portions with 75% of your previous food for as long as you think is best for your dog. You can continue to slowly increase the percentage of Nom Nom or move on to the 50% transition meal packs if your dog is no longer having stomach issues.
If you need further assistance, you can always reach us at care@nomnomnow.com or (415) 991-0669 and our knowledgable Pet Support Team would be happy to walk you through the transition.
If vomiting persists for more than 3 days or you are noticing a change in appetite or overall behavior, we recommend speaking directly with your veterinarian as they will have a better picture of your dog's medical history.
After transition:
If for some reason your dog gets an upset stomach once already transitioned to Nom Nom, it may be for a variety of reasons. We recommend either feeding a half portion at their next meal, or skipping a meal to give your dog's digestive bacteria a chance to reset. If vomiting persists for more than 3 days or you are noticing a change in appetite or overall behavior, we recommend speaking directly with your veterinarian as they will have a better picture of your dog's medical history.